The BC Water & Waste Association (BCWWA) is a not-for-profit organization that represents around 4,000 water professionals. Our members work every day to keep our water systems clean and safe – from source to tap to drain and back to the environment.  They include water and wastewater facility operators, utility managers, engineers, technicians and technologists, consultants, government policy and regulatory staff, backflow assembly testers and cross connection control specialist s , researchers, and suppliers. Consider becoming a member and joining our community of water professionals. 

The Association delivers professional development, certification , and advocacy programs and services to ensure that our water systems continue to protect public health and the environment. As a not-for-profit organization, any net proceeds generated from membership fees or our programs and services are re-invested into serving the needs of our members and water community.


BCWWA is working towards realizing a vision that people have safe water and a healthy water environment. In pursuit of this vision, the BCWWA's mission is to connect and empower the BC and Yukon water sector to advocate for and safeguard public health and the environment.

The BCWWA Board of Directors, with input from key volunteers, subject matter experts and water sector stakeholders, identified four ends or goals that our programs, services and activities are focused on through to the end of 2023: 

  1. The water sector has an engaged network.
  2. The water sector has a competent and sustainable workforce.
  3. Leaders make informed decisions about water services.
  4. Leadership and innovation in the water sector is encouraged and promoted.

To learn more about our strategic plan, view the visual summary of our 2022-2024 plan.